AHERA - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act


Howard Street is asbestos free

As you might know, asbestos was once used as a fireproofing material. Before the 1980s, it was used not only as an insulation but also mixed into other materials like concrete, roof shingles, siding and even glue for floor tiles.

It has been discovered that asbestos becomes a hazard when it becomes damaged and releases its fibers into the air. These fibers can be damaging to the lungs of those who breathe in the asbestos and in severe cases create a condition known as mesothelioma.

Asbestos can be an issue in older buildings and it is recommended by the EPA that it be removed for safety.

During renovation in July 2019, old tile glue with asbestos fibers was discovered in our new building from the days when it was a grocery store. Built in 1955, the grocery tiles were covered with carpet when the building was used by Oregon Department of Energy. We had all asbestos removed during renovation and of course, did not use materials with asbestos in the renovation.

Here is our full AHERA plan