2025 Baskets for Auction

Welcome to our annual Parent Club fundraiser. Each of the baskets below will be Raffled off on February 8 at 6pm at the 8th grade musical Mean Girls Jr. Pick which basket or baskets you would like to try and win by clicking on the picture and heading to zeffy to buy raffle tickets.

All funds raised go directly to students via after school enrichment academy, field trips, or technology upgrades.

Thank you to all the amazing sponsors for your wonderful donations to help Howard Street!

Baking Basket and $500 in WinCo gift cards - estimated value $700

(must be picked up)

Dog Care Bundle - estimated value $750 (must be picked up)

JFO Orthodontics Bundle - estimated value $550 (must be picked up)

Western Oregon University Swag including tickets - estimated value $500 (must be picked up)

Handmade U of O Quilt and other swag - estimated value $250

(must be picked up)

Handmade OSU Quilt and other swag - estimated value $250

(must be picked up)

Ukulele Bundle - estimaed value $100 (must be picked up)

Wine Tasting Adventure - estimated value $700 (must be picked up)

Support Local Salem - estimated value $1000 (must be picked up)

Ultimate Game Night Basket - estimated value $400 (must be picked up)

Paintball Tour of the Valley - estimated value $600 (can be shipped)

Portland Winterhawks Basket - estimated value $500 (must be picked up)

CET Tuition Voucher and Oregon Shakespeare Festival Tickets - estimated value $925

(can be shipped)

6 month YMCA family membership - value $678

(can be shipped)

Salem Family Fun Bundle - estimated value $225 (Can be shipped)