Back to School 2024-2025
Like our mascot, the phoenix, we will always rise.
Goal 2024-2025 - improved attendance and sense of belonging
Help us with funding just by coming to school!
Please consider whether Howard Street is the best educational setting for your student. We are a school of choice and students need to attend to get the most out of any program. Not showing up not only affects your student but our entire community. There may be Salem-Keizer programs that will help your student’s learning more - please consider if we are the best fit for your family.
Please arrange vacations during our many breaks and days off. See our 2024-2025 calendar. Also see the new calendar feature in Class Dojo for regular calendar updates. If you have not yet downloaded Class Dojo, please do so today, as this is your one stop shop for all Howard Street communications.
Students are welcome at school if they have been fever free for 24 hours and are not vomiting. They can wear a mask to mitigate spread and we have great indoor air quality via HEPA filters and new HVACs. We have mindfully selected our solid surfaces for easy cleaning.
Is this a physical illness or an emotional issue manifesting as a physical issue? Please set up appointments with advisors or Mrs. Tracy for help if you think it is emotional or social in nature. We can talk through strategies together.
Don’t miss out. Come in for at least a part of the day.
Thank you for trying to arrange dental/orthodontist/doctor/counseling appointments on early release Wednesday afternoons or first/last of the day to avoid missing school.
Thank you for calling in and letting us know that your student is sick with whatever symptoms. It helps us know what is “going around.”
If your student is gone more than a couple days for illness, please see a doctor and bring in a doctor’s note to let us know. Students who are absent more than three days in a row should bring in a doctor’s note.
sense of belonging - 2023-2024 Panorama results
We are always working to build community. Events like Chicken Olympics and weekly advisory are designed to connect students with each other and staff.
Middle school is a great time of social and emotional growth. It is important to teach growing independence and how to walk through decision making. Talking out loud to students on how you are making a decision can help.
Holding students accountable is an important skill. Young people may interpret this as an adult is mad at them or does not like them but this is the furthest from the truth. We hold young people accountable because we care about them. Discipline teaches behavior as well as reward.
If your student is struggling with social or emotional issues, reach out to your student’s advisor or the office to start a conversation. There are many in school supports and community supports like Options Counseling that can assist.
Traffic flow - please follow the plan for safety
Like every school, drop off and pick up can be an issue at Howard Street Charter School. It is important that you follow the traffic flow pattern to help with student safety and efficiency.
Things to remember:
Please remember to pull forward at pick up so that we can get many cars into the cue.
Leave yourself a bit of room so you can pick up/drop off and go around the line on the left.
DO NOT PARK IN THE PARKING LOT for pick-up or drop-off. We do not want students to walk in front of traffic lanes in the lot.
You can park on the street if you remain in your car. This helps keep the cue line be a bit shorter.
Be kind and patient. We understand waiting can be frustrating.
Community members pay to park in the parking lot so please be mindful of blocking in others.
Entry is from Union via the alley or Marion via the alley. CHURCH ST IS EXIT ONLY.
Students and parents should use the sidewalk, not cross the parking lot, for safety.
If you have an issues, please let the office know - 503.399.3408.